Winter Dream

Once Upon A Time

Falling in to the cold blue water - Thanks for 2,000,000 views!!!

The Mill

(755) Mystic country ...


Gollinger Heaven

A Hut in a Sea

Königssee - Lake View

-442- Kehlsteinhaus im Nebel

A Bird's eye view is just reserved to a couple paragliders

Thistles on the shore


20110612_18 Forest trail along Königssee, Germany

Buchbergkirche in Bischofshofen

The breathtaking alpine mountains of the Königssee

The Pedigree of Honey

Saletbach (Explore)

Näkymä Königseehen Kehlsteinhausista / View to Königssee from Kehlsteinhaus

View from Jenner over Königssee

St. Bartholomä am Königssee

Mandala I


That`s where I belong

Spot Light

Natural mirror - in colour

Herbstlicher Blick auf die Fieberhörner im Tennengebirge von oberhalb Werfen

Falling Down

Gollinger Wasserfall II

Prepare for the night

Trattberg - Österreich

A Fairy Tale

Alpine Meadow at Hochkonig

Mountains and clouds - Dachsteinmassiv, Österreich

Watzmann 1

Berchtesgadener Land

The Fabric of Fairy Tales