Grandioser Sonnenaufgang über dem Nebelmeer, vom Untersberg gesehen/Splendid sunrise above the fog in February, seen from the Untersberg

-368- autumn high above Königssee-Berchtesgadener Land

St. Bartholomä im letzten Sonnenlicht

Falling Down

Winter Dream

Once Upon A Time

Falling in to the cold blue water - Thanks for 2,000,000 views!!!

The Mill


Gollinger Heaven


Berchtesgadener Land

Early hoarfrosty November morning in Schönau-Königssee

Königssee - Lake View

Gateway to heaven...

The Oasis

-442- Kehlsteinhaus im Nebel

Kapelle St. Bartholomä

The gorge

A Bird's eye view is just reserved to a couple paragliders


Königssee (03) - St Bartholomew's Church

Small lake with duck ~

Gollinger Wasserfall

Spot Light

Golling Mill

Misty morning II

The small lake - lovely place in the summer heat ~


-514- Day fading out - Berchtesgaden- Schönau

Gollinger Wasserfall II

beautiful september day

Lokomotion 189 912 Pass Lueg (2406)

Frozen world


October fog on the Untersberg

Soft water

Auf dem Trattberg -Österreich