Elevated view

Alle persone approssimative sfuggono molti dettagli; a quelle diligenti sfugge, in genere, solo l'essenziale

The floating piers (21 images)

Pizzo Arera area

relax cafè

Evening rise [explored on 06/09/2015]

Almost sunset

View from the Colle di Zambla

The Casino of San Pellegrino Terme ( 13 photos)

Silent Steps

Prima del temporale (explore)

Silent Night

Pizzo Arera area

Pizzo Arera area

Orobian Prealps - A small lake over the mountains

Pizzo Arera area

Cornello dei Tasso

Spiazzi di Gromo, 28 dicembre 2010

Beans and Sunflower

Gaetano e Sabrina

Pizzo Arera area

Monte Avaro

How green is my valley ...

Monte Avaro

Monte Avaro

A moment of rest and then ... headlong rush !

Taleggio Valley, famous in Italy for its cheese

Breathing a deeper silence

The name of it is Autumn

Più in alto...nulla

Taleggio Valley, famous in Italy for its cheese

Morning after the storm

Monte Avaro

Tribute to my mounts

Hamlets of my municipality: la Costa

Alpine sunset

Alpine mirror

Sunset in Orobie Alps

The return

In search of paradise (6 images)

Be welcome, sun!