View from the Colle di Zambla

Elevated view

Prima del temporale (explore)

Alle persone approssimative sfuggono molti dettagli; a quelle diligenti sfugge, in genere, solo l'essenziale

Silent Steps

Silent Night

Pizzo Arera area

Pizzo Arera area

Orobian Prealps - A small lake over the mountains

Pizzo Arera area

Pizzo Arera area

Spiazzi di Gromo, 28 dicembre 2010

Pizzo Arera area

Gaetano e Sabrina

Orobian Prealps

Old houses with view on Mount Arera mt. 2512

Orobian Prealps

Orobian Prealps

Orobian Prealps

Pizzo Arera area

Pizzo Arera area

In search of paradise (6 images)

Monte Avaro

Sunset in Orobie Alps

How green is my valley ...

Be welcome, sun!

Nel sole

Monte Avaro

Near to bivacco Zamboni, in Brembana Valley (5 images)

A moment of rest and then ... headlong rush !

In search of paradise

Monte Avaro

In search of paradise (3 images)

Pizzo del Diavolo, the higher summit of the Orobie Alps in Brembana Valley

Summer's nostalgia

Up, up in the sky

Blue starry night

Laghi Gemelli Panoramic

Lo specchio dorato

Più in alto...nulla

Monte Avaro