26. Full view of the west side of the bell tower

139. Partial west side view of the complex

142. West side view of the bell tower 3

125. General northwest view

Partial front view of the school facade

Southeast view of the former town hall

29. Western wall - inside view

West side view of the former Saxon school

Back view of the west wing of the former town hall

Back and side view of the central and west wing of the former Saxon school

Back view of the former town hall - roof detail

128. General view from the north 1

140. West side view of the bell tower 1

Back view of the former town hall - east wing 3

Back view of the former town hall 5

Back view of the former town hall - east wing 2

Back view of the former town hall - east wing

146. View from northwest corner

96. Lower part of the apse - southeast view

West view of the former town hall

129. General view from the north 2

#apus #soare #muntiifagaras #munti #fagaras #mountains #romania #sunset #pink #purple

Făgăraș fortress

Făgăraș Mountains

A Snowy Landscape

fields / campi

sea view

#fagaras #romania #cetate #stronghold

Făgăraș fortress

In Transylvania.

"Să rămâi toată viaţa un copil e un vis frumos, dar greu de realizat. Cât mă priveşte, a trebuit să devin bărbat. Când eram mic, tata îmi spunea mereu: "Te vei nărui poate, dar vei deveni om..." Şi iată că am supravieţuit" George Enescu

Boholt - Roumanie

Făgăraș Castle, Romania

Fagaras Castle

Volkswagen Passat (B8) vs. Scania

100. Upper part of the apse - detail of crack 1


63. Northern nave wall buttress and bell tower - detail 1

18. South church entrance detail 2

41. West side of the bell tower - detail 8

Last Import-16

Fogaras / Făgăraș / Fogarasch