sea view

West view of the former town hall

Southeast view of the former town hall

Back view of the former town hall 5

Back view of the former town hall 1

Back view of the former town hall 3

Back view of the former town hall 2

Back view of the former town hall - roof detail

Back view of the former town hall - east wing

Back view of the former town hall east wing 1

Back view of the former town hall - east wing 2

Back view of the former town hall 4

Back view of the former town hall - east wing 3

Back view of the west wing of the former town hall

142. West side view of the bell tower 3

125. General northwest view

Partial view of the school facade 3

146. View from northwest corner

130. General view from the north 3

139. Partial west side view of the complex

97. Northeast view of the apse

In Transylvania.

Volkswagen Passat (B8) vs. Scania

A Snowy Landscape

Făgăraș Mountains

#apus #soare #muntiifagaras #munti #fagaras #mountains #romania #sunset #pink #purple

Fagaras Castle

Făgăraș Castle, Romania

fields / campi

"Să rămâi toată viaţa un copil e un vis frumos, dar greu de realizat. Cât mă priveşte, a trebuit să devin bărbat. Când eram mic, tata îmi spunea mereu: "Te vei nărui poate, dar vei deveni om..." Şi iată că am supravieţuit" George Enescu

Fogaras / Făgăraș / Fogarasch


Făgăraș fortress

Fagaras Castle

Romania 2017


Love letter written in stone

Boholt - Roumanie

La mulți ani frați români din toată lumea! #romania #romaniamare #landscape #peisaj #apus #sunset #sunsets #love #lovequotes #loveyou #beautiful #like #likeforlike #followforfollow #moldova #chisinau #unire2018 #unireainseamna #dambovita #photo #photograp

2016-07-18 at 17.34.08

20 Aug 2013-16