Neighborhood Creek

Heron Preening

Profile of Crystal Kiss

A Bug's View

Marion #2

2nd platform-mist @ Dukes-Creek-falls

Southern Air Crash, New Hope, Georgia - 1977

Last night's view from camp #latergram #ABeautifulMess


Out from nowhere

Rustin' Away

Red Bird sitting high..

Elizabeth & Greg's Wedding | Hilton Marietta Hotel | Marietta Atlanta Wedding Photographer

Curiouser and curiouser.

Oh! Christmas Tree...Oh!

Elizabeth & Greg's Wedding | Hilton Marietta Hotel & Transfiguration Catholic Church | Marietta Atlanta Wedding Photographer

Lets Hide in Love

Mattie's Watch

Simply Me{faded}

Almighty duct tape

Dukes Creek Falls-Kennisaw Georgia-2nd platform

Kennesaw Mtn. Battlefield

This Was Home

Caddies Migrating to Warmer Waters


Faint Double Rainbow

Kennesaw Trenches

Marietta City Cemetery (6-23-09)

Just around the bend

Lost mountain tree

August 2012 - 21

it's peace

Kaleidoscopic Battlefields

Cool running

Kennesaw Trail

Sunrise from Kennesaw Mountain, GA

Kennesaw Mountain Trail

Impression: Before

What a beautiful shot. My Dad took amazing "amateur" photographs. #hawaii #beauty #photography #ggg #island