Proceed With Caution

Elizabeth & Greg's Wedding | Hilton Marietta Hotel & Transfiguration Catholic Church | Marietta Atlanta Wedding Photographer

2nd platform-mist @ Dukes-Creek-falls

Dukes Creek Falls-Kennisaw Georgia-2nd platform

Faithful Servant

Mattie's Watch


Past Time

Heron Preening

Neighborhood Creek

A Bug's View

Plumas de angel

Profile of Crystal Kiss

Marion #2

Yellow Lily

Last night's view from camp #latergram #ABeautifulMess

Out from nowhere

Rustin' Away


Fence by the lake

Lucian in the snow

Wintery Marshland

Another Sunset at the Swamp

Kennesaw Mtn. Battlefield

This Was Home

Dusk at the Swamp

Caddies Migrating to Warmer Waters

Faint Double Rainbow

Mr Blue Bird


Where we will wed

Just around the bend

Lost mountain tree

it's peace

The Big Chicken / Marietta, GA

Kaleidoscopic Battlefields

#johnrossbridge #chattanoogatennessee #chattanoogaphotography

Cool running

Kennesaw Trail