Thanksgiving Morning at the Depot - Pueblo, CO

Santa Fe 2912 Repainted Black and White

Grevy's Zebra (Imperial Zebra)

Veteran's Bridge - Pueblo Riverwalk

Ringed Teal

Pueblo Railroad Truss Bridge, Colorado

Grevy's Zebra

B Street, Pueblo, Colorado

Cackling & Canada Geese

Arkansas River Railroad Bridge, Pueblo, Colorado

McLaughlin Block, Pueblo, Colorado, 2005

Conveyor to nowhere

Cackling & Canada Geese

Northern Flicker and Blue Jay

Pacific Wren, Pueblo CO, 27 Dec 2010

"Harlan's" Red-tailed Hawk

Sharp-shinned Hawk

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Cackling & Canada Geese

"Red-shafted" Northern Flicker

Mountain Chickadee

Incoming Storm - Pueblo Memorial Airport

Rainbow Coal Train

At the Point

Runyon Lake Afternoon

Evening Landscape - Liberty Point

Mineral Palace Fountain - Pueblo, CO

Garden of Eden

Pueblo Sky

Pueblo Sky

Snowing night

Foggy Day

Evening Sky

Pueblo Riverwalk

Interstate 25 Between Pueblo and Walsenburg, Colorado

Waterfall on the Pueblo Riverwalk

Evening Sky

Sunset @ CSU-P

Full Moon Rising

Evening at Liberty Point

Liberty Point from Below

Liberty Point Landscape