Iron Mountain Road

Forgotten Lake

Mount Rushmore

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A Monumental Sculpture of US Presidents Carved into a Mountainside (Mount Rushmore National Memorial)

Lakeshore view

Black Hills, Custer State Park - South Dakota

Custer State Park, Black Hills - South Dakota

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Mt Rushmore

At the Summit of Harney's Peak in the Black Hills National Forest in South Dakota

Mt Rushmore at night with flags.....6O3A2171CR2A

Behind the scenes at Mt. Rushmore

Mt. Rushmore (Hyper-3D)

Mt. Rushmore, Tourist View

Mount Rushmore National Memorial, SD

Bird on a Dead Tree

Crazy Horse

Majestic Magnificence

Mount Rushmore National Memorial - South Dakota

Mount Rushmore National Memorial - South Dakota

Sylvan Lake

Mount Rushmore, Süddakota, USA

My take on an American icon

Needles Highway 87 - Custer State Park, South Dakota

Sylvan Lake

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Cosmic Cathedral

Rushmore sunset.

Sylvan Lake - South Dakota Black Hills

Painting The Needles Under The Geminids Meteor Shower

Sylvan Lake

Mount Rushmore National Memorial - South Dakota

Bison herd at Custer Park

Mount Rushmore National Memorial - South Dakota

Cathedral Spires

HDR One & Oloneo Photo Contest