Screw Day 64 of 365

Warmer Days

Wetland Wildflowers

Mayowood Lake Sunset

Izaak Walton Wetlands

Cloud Burst

School days day 2 of 365

Crimson Clover

Barn, Tree, & Sky

The Water Falls Mainly on the Maine

I'm listening...


Cub Scout camp - heading to storm shelters. Can someone close my tent please.

Water falls @ Shoppes on Main shopping center

Hwy 52

Tall Grass at Sunset

Sunset in the Prairie

MN/IA trip

Rochester International Airport

2014-10-12 11.04.16

2014-10-12 11.00.33

Stump Day 29 of 365

Blue Bell Break [Explore]

"Loch Rho"
