Seasons Gone

Inner Worlds #1

Cosmic Tragedy – A Tale of the Grand Design

Color from Summer to Fall

Another shot from my S-XP [Again]

My Secret Garden

Where Lightning Struck

Our view today

Flying from Dream to Dream

Southern "Low Country Boil"


20150710_9047 9 Araeidae, Lined Orbweaver ( Mangora gibberosa)

20150710_9049 Araeidae, Lined Orbweaver ( Mangora gibberosa)

Place marker [I'll never dehydrate]

S-XP place marker [I'm solo and sleepy!!!]

S-XP place marker [I am sleepy!!!]

Place marker [more fluids]

View from the water

Another shot from my S-XP [This ia a GA Bike Path]

View from the water

Inner Visions of Nature - Drops of Joy

Serene Escape

Approaching Storm

Ft. McAlister Plains

heavenly bandit

Sun through grasses

Not a single ripple on Redbird Creek this morning.

The Fading Autumn Light

What Lies Beneath

Two Fences and a Canal

Winter's Palette

Needed something it didn't get.

Mysterious Arrival

No dock activity

Savannah-Ogeechee Canal

The Summer Gulf Fritillary

Open the gate. I'm ready to launch.

The Exchange

New day on the Georgia coast

Basking with the Daisy Trio