Main Street Morning

Flip a rock, find a scorpion

Dogwood Bark

Flip a rock, find a scorpion

Under the bridge differing view

MO-De Soto - David Bernhardt Park

Squaw Hill

1,000 Steps Trail

Wild Onion

Valley View Glades Natural Area, near Morse Mill, Missouri, USA - view with long shadows, by moonlight

Pano of the Glade

Initial view when you get on the trail

Initial view when you get on the trail

Entrance Sign

Shelf Fungi on a Dead American Hornbeam Tree

Shelf Fungi on a Dead American Hornbeam Tree

Dogwood Canopy

Shelf Fungi on a Dead American Hornbeam Tree

Tired Hiking Sidekick

Dogwood Bark

Tired Hiking Sidekick

Speaking Thunderbird Petroglyph

Victoria Glades Hike

Victoria Glades Hike

Victoria Glades Hike

Victoria Glades Hike

Victoria Glades Hike

☀ Not to shabby of a day

Sand Creek

Victoria Glades Hike

Sandy Creek

Victoria Glades Hike

Victoria Glades Hike

Jerusalem Artichoke

Victoria Glade

Petroglyphs, Washington State Park, Washington County (Mo.), 8 August 1981


Moonlit Scenic Overlook

10/365 Horses

Rocky bottom


Hillsboro Mo 63050 concrete Video