Main Street Morning

Valley View Glades Natural Area, near Morse Mill, Missouri, USA - view with long shadows, by moonlight

Cedar Hill Mill - No. 3

Cedar Hill Mill - No. 1

Cedar Hill Mill - No. 2

MO-De Soto - David Bernhardt Park

Porch panorama

Entrance Sign

Clara, Hiker Extraordinaire

Bill and Clara

Bill and Clara

Tired Hiking Sidekick

Tired Hiking Sidekick

Clara, Hiker Extraordinaire

Tired Hiking Sidekick

Shelf Fungi on a Dead American Hornbeam Tree

Bill and Clara

Shelf Fungi on a Dead American Hornbeam Tree

Shelf Fungi on a Dead American Hornbeam Tree

Wild Onion

Shelf Fungi on a Dead American Hornbeam Tree

Sand Creek

The Lalumondiere Mill in Byrnesville, Mo

Fishing the Big River April 1st

Fishing the Big River April 1st

Bill, Clara, and Willa Hiking toward the glade

Initial view when you get on the trail

Initial view when you get on the trail

Jerusalem Artichoke

Victoria Glade

I can see for miles and miles


Hillsboro-Missouri-63050-Retaining walls-patio -estimate






Hillsboro Mo 63050 concrete Video



Hillsboro-Missouri-63050-Patio -Contractor