Old house, Orari, Canterbury, New Zealand

Old house, Orari, Canterbury, New Zealand

View from our bed near Peel Forest, Geraldine

Country road take me home, to the place I belong...

Old house, Rangitata Island, Canterbury, New Zealand

Canterbury Plains

Beach near St. Andrews, New Zealand


The tin shed

Beach near St. Andrews, New Zealand

On our way out of Mt Cook national park we stopped at a sweet overlook and watched each other's backs as we took turns standing in the road. #mckaylive #newzealand #middleoftheroad #roadtosomewhere #vanishingpoint

South Island, New Zealand

South Island, New Zealand

Beach near St. Andrews, New Zealand

#mountains MT Cook in the evening light. #Sony #A7RII with #70-200 at 70mm. #eveninglight #wanderlust #getoutstayout

Beach near St. Andrews, New Zealand

Beach near St. Andrews, New Zealand

South Island, New Zealand

IMG_3672 - Version 2

Beach near St. Andrews, New Zealand

Out for dinner

South Island, New Zealand

Orari River Bridge