Tiny Bait Shop

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Iconic Bait Shop

My beautiful view and home for tonight! Escanaba Lake Trail #backpacking #hiking #outdoors #nature #vilascounty #Wisconsin #lakes #landscape #beach #beautyinsilence #silenceisgolden #escanabalaketrail #camping #pennypix #discoverwisconsin

"May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds." #takeahike #settersarebetter #hiking #vilascounty #discoverwisconsin #explorewi #exploremore #backpacking #hi

Curious Whitetail

Star view from the campfire

Campsite (long view showing the picnic table and its tent)

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South shoreline and Island View Little St. Germain Lake, WI

Sunset on our first night over Big Muskellunge Lake

Early morning over Big Muskellunge Lake

The only way to freedom is to reach within yourself and find your voice. #anxiety #ptsd #takeahike #lakeview #lakeside #northwoods #discoverwisconsin #wicounties #lakes #minocqua #fall #landscape #neverstopexploring #exploremore #adventure #upnorth #back

Upper WI River


Buckatabon River


Buckatabon River

2013 Pearly Crescentspot (Phyciodes tharos) 9

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Upper WI River

Lumberjack Trail, American Legion State Forest

Upper WI River

Lumberjack Trail, American Legion State Forest

Alison and Sunset

Buckatabon River

Lumberjack Trail, American Legion State Forest

Lumberjack Trail, American Legion State Forest

Lumberjack Trail, American Legion State Forest

Lumberjack Trail, American Legion State Forest

2013 Calico Pennant (Celithemis elisa)