You're Beautiful But You're Gonna Slip Away (into the night)

The Majestic!

Look There We Are We Are We Are

Two Wearied Workers

2013 0626 Windmill Gardens

All Eyes On You

Double Chevy Reflection

Timing is Everything

Striated Lenticular, Mount Rainier National Park

layers of clouds and color...

The Pacifc Northwest

Mt Rainier and a Lenticular Cloud

Washington State Fair

Airstream Custom

View from my last train commute of 2015. The mountain is out!

Rainier Ultralight

Moon over the Ferris Wheel (1.10)

It's dark in the forest

layers of mountains...

Summers winding down

Heart from Afar

grand and glorious!


Aspenglow on Rainier

fresh snowpack!

Nature At Day's End

Train Tracks

golden treasure!

Mount Rainier Sunrise

Mt Rainier, in all its glory!

Mt. Rainier

layers at twilight...

#mtrainer #washington #sunset

Mount Rainier, Washington's finest!

shades of night...

feed srore