One Tasty Daisy

Paul Smith's College Sunset

Monarch Profile

View of the Lake, foot bridge to the tea house and bowling alley

Your Choice

The Season's First Monarch

Autumn Monarch

A Little Lady Showing Off

Odonta (tooth jawed) Dragonfly

Painted Lady

A Work In Progress

Torn And Tattered

West Virginia White

Painted Lady

Close Encounter With A Skipper

Icy view from the shower window...

Beautiful Butterfly Or Destructive Pest

Window To Spring

Northern Crescent

Saint Regis Mountain

View From The Point

2007_10_10 104036 5105

2007_10_09 083413 5032

2010_07_30 155840 6699

2010_07_30 155129 6685

2007_10_10 154718 5172

2014_08_29 194604 7878

2013_05_16 061806 4651

2011_07_01 203202 0293

2014_07_18 053242 7772

2013_05_16 202550 4754

2010_07_30 144200 6649

2007_10_10 155604 5191

2007_05_18 194043 2579

2013_05_14 100640 4601

2013_05_16 202022 4731

2013_10_10 112313 6295

2007_05_18 200957 2626

2013_07_26 050439 5516

2013_10_10 112259 6294

2013_07_27 143522 5617