Your Choice

One Tasty Daisy

Paul Smith's College Sunset

The Season's First Monarch

Autumn Monarch

A Little Lady Showing Off

Odonta (tooth jawed) Dragonfly

Painted Lady

A Work In Progress

Torn And Tattered

West Virginia White

Monarch Profile

Painted Lady

Close Encounter With A Skipper

Icy view from the shower window...

Beautiful Butterfly Or Destructive Pest

Window To Spring

Northern Crescent

View From The Point

Saint Regis Mountain

Nature At Work And The Result

2007_10_10 104036 5105

2010_07_30 155834 6698

2014_08_29 194604 7878

2010_07_30 155129 6685

2013_05_16 061806 4651

2013_05_16 202550 4754

2010_07_30 144200 6649

2007_05_18 200957 2626

2013_05_16 202022 4731

2007_05_18 194043 2579

The High-Peaks seen from St-Regis Mountain

2013_07_26 050439 5516

2010_07_30 155822 6696

2014_07_17 101304 7716

2007_10_10 093654 5076

2014_07_18 052907 7768

2010_07_25 203716 5939

2013_05_16 202556 4756

2007_10_10 155604 5191