Rain Coming In

Birkenhead Lake View

Canoe Top

"Meal With a View" Least Chipmunk Harvesting a Twinberry at Birkenhead Lake Provincial Park BC 28Jun2012

View back to Tenquille Lake

Barbour's Valley

birkenhead lake, late evening

Avalanche on S face of Mt. Shadowfax

Anderson Lake

Birkenhead Lake

#birkenhead #lake #canoe day7

Another peaceful scene from #birkenhead #lake

Walking on water! The beach at #birkenhead #lake #campground you could walk out on a sandy shelf before it dropped off drastically to the deep.

"Musical Woodland Ghost" Swainson's Thrush Perched on a Twig at Birkenhead Lake Provincial Park BC 28Jun2012

Lake Anderson

Place Glacier, Aug 2014

Barbour Valley

Goat Road to Nowhere

Anderson Lake



andresen lake from d'arcy

Upper Fowl Lake

Gates Lake BC
