Rain Coming In

Birkenhead Lake View

2014 Day 213 - Tent View from Tarn Camp

A view to camp

Looking back to camp

Canoe Top

"Meal With a View" Least Chipmunk Harvesting a Twinberry at Birkenhead Lake Provincial Park BC 28Jun2012

Anderson Lake Magic

A moss garden on the plateau

Anderson Lake

Birkenhead Lake

birkenhead lake, late evening

#birkenhead #lake #canoe day7

Another peaceful scene from #birkenhead #lake

Walking on water! The beach at #birkenhead #lake #campground you could walk out on a sandy shelf before it dropped off drastically to the deep.

"Musical Woodland Ghost" Swainson's Thrush Perched on a Twig at Birkenhead Lake Provincial Park BC 28Jun2012

Lower Twin lake

Lake Anderson

Funky Clouds

Anderson Lake



andresen lake from d'arcy

Gates Lake BC