Views from the 6ix.
Red Wine For Nara
one view from the new apartment. [Explored]
Wreaths Across America
HIWI: The Construction
Homage To Fred Picker
Petrified tree trunk - Cross sectional view
Aventador from Above
Citycenter Plaza on Beltway 8 & Interstate 10
Houston - Colourful Mural
I've Looked At Clouds...
Houston - Love
Arboretum Bee
Some people ask why I keep a bottle of Windex in my glove box. Answer: thousands of little girlfriend-applied toe prints… occasionally footprints, but she's short, so in those cases she's really just messing with me.
America Tower
Houston Racecourse
to Houston
Addicted to Power
night lights
darck corner
Bayou ran over its banks
Houston National Cemetery
autumn [Explored]
Sundown on the bayou
Gerald D. Hines Waterwall Park - Houston, Texas
Houston National Cemetery
Pichavaram Mangrove Forest
Houston Galleria Area Skyline 5 - Schlumberger and Marathon Oil
Pine Needles No. 1
Mountwood St. Bridge
Rising Sun Fallen Tree
Houston Galleria Area Skyline 4
Its a midsummer afternoon and no one is chillin
Mural at Blue Line Bikes
Memorial Trees, Study 2
Sunrise Delivery
The El Cerrado