CN 2560 west manifest, Spences Bridge 23.05.2016

View along Trans-Canada Hway 97South - it's really worth the drive, better than flying. #beautifulbc #canada #imagesofcanada #hellobc #explorecanada

View from Train

CP 8565 west Stacks Martel British Columbia 12.05.2011

Potash at Skoonka Tunnels

No this is not Arizona!

CN westbound stack train near Martel in the Thompson Canyon British Columbia 08.05.2011

Coal along the Thompson

CN manifest climbs through the Thompson Canyon BC, the rock slide sheds protecting the CN line can be seen across the river 10.06.2007

Not One but Two

CN 8913 east at Drynoch in the Thompson Canyon BC 11.05.2011

CN 8826 east Intermodal, Drynoch British Columbia 22.05.2016

CN2655 west heads for Vancouver down the Thompson River near Martel BC 08.05.2011

1/97 to Prince George

No. 102 along the Thompson

CN 2560 west manifest, Martel BC 23.05.2016

SpencesBridgeBC 2004-05-12 1833PDT

CN coal loads head to Vancouver along the Thompson River near Martel BC 10.05.2011

1/97 to Prince George

CN 2657 west intermodal Skoonka BC 22.05.2016

Along the Frasier River Valley

USA Canada '09-050