CN 2560 west manifest, Spences Bridge 23.05.2016

2006 09-15 1041-2 GCRT GP40-2W-8012 WB #103 Martel, BC

2006 09-15 1041-1 GCRT GP40-2W-8012 W/B #103 Martel, BC

2006 09-15 1046-2 GCRT GP40-2W-8012 W/B #103 Spences Bridge, BC

CN view

View from Train

Arcing along the Thompson River

No this is not Arizona!

Canadian special

First run west

BCOL 4605 ~ Thompson Canyon

Fraser canyon

BCOL 4605 ~ Thompson Canyon

Coal along the Thompson

Into the great wide open - (Published by GETTY IMAGES)

Sleetsis 6 Indian reserve on the Thompson River in British Columbia - (Published by GETTY IMAGES)

No. 102 along the Thompson

SpencesBridgeBC 2004-05-12 1833PDT

Potash at Skoonka Tunnels

Passing stacks along the Thompson

CP meet—with a river running through it

CP 8940 west coal loads, Martel BC 25.05.2016

Thompson River

BCOL 4605 ~ Spences Bridge

CN 2307 west Martel 23.05.2016

CP 8565 west Stacks Martel British Columbia 12.05.2011