
Western Cottonmouth _Agkistrodon_piscivorus_leucostoma

Gulf Coast Toad - Incilius nebulifer

View from kitchen

Eastern Cricket Frog - Acris crepitans ind 1_1



Oak Manor Motor Hotel - Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Hipstamatic view

Denham Springs, LA


The Perfectly Disguised 'Post Fish' Taking the Bait...

Magnolia Bridge

My view driving into Celtic everyday. #productionlife #hollywoodsouth

Swamp Sparrow

Amite River

Juban Parc Elemenary School View From Rosedale Avenue Denham Springs LA 70726 Juban Parc Subdivision

Louisiana urban morning.

play misty for me...

forgotten woods

moonset on Blackwater Road

Fog on the Water

A Nice Day

forgotten purposes

hidden treasure

just another Lazy-Anna day...


some flowers for the journey?

Morning Mist

odd colored morning

greetings from Louisiana

fire in the mist

foggy autumn morning

River Birch in the Fog

Flight to Florida

hidden spots in a city

Icy Blue

Denham Springs WTP

Louisiana Gumbo