Covered Bridge in Dogwood Canyon

1."Your View Today" Before the Christmas Parade, Green Forest, AR

Roadside Flag

Flag on a Barn

My favorite

Dogwood Canyon Nature Park - Lampe, Missouri

Dogwood Canyon Nature Park - Lampe, Missouri

Dogwood Canyon Nature Park - Lampe, Missouri

On the road again

Dogwood Canyon Nature Park - Lampe, Missouri

Dogwood Canyon Nature Park - Lampe, Missouri

Dogwood Canyon Nature Park - Lampe, Missouri

Dogwood Canyon Nature Park - Lampe, Missouri

Cosmic Cavern

Summer 2013

Stunning Autumn



Low Crossing at Dogwood Canyon


Fishing on Table Rock Lake

Cosmic Cavern, Berryville, Arkansas

Dogwood Canyon

Dogwood Canyon Nature Preserve


Dark Falls


Falling in light and shadow

Green Creek

Dogwood Canyon Nature Preserve

Fishing on Table Rock Lake

Dogwood Falls

End of the Fall
