Northern Cardinal

Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)

On High Alert

Night Dance of the Maples....

Hwy-5 Bridge, Agawam River

Explosive Reflections

Green Heron (Butorides virescens)

That's a Stretch

American Goldfinch

When I was young

Song Sparrow

Great Blue #Heron often take a quick stopover in the tiny pond in my yard or the larger one at the end of the road. I envy their view of the changing leaves from above! || #bird #animal #blueheron #capture #moment #beautiful

Powder Hollow relic...

play time

Splash Down

Red on Black

Carolina Wren

Greater Yellowlegs (Tringa melanoleuca)


Powder Hollow relic...

Prelude to the Fireworks

It’s a good morning


Red-winged Blackbird



berries encased in ice

Carp Diem

Eel Grass Connecticut River


In The Grass

February Sky

Part of the lot for WBM



Flying to SLC from SMF

Scantic River trail walk



Morning Glory