Morning Sun

Big Land - Autumn in Colorado Panorama

Tack for 50 Horses

Mt Yale

North along the Arkansas

Arkansas Valley

Rocky Mountain Panorama

View of Castle Rock Gulch Area

Badger Creek 2

Badger Creek 1

cloudy view

21-View thru window of miner's cabin_July 15, 2012

BV Castle Rock Gulch 075

Mt Yale April 21, 2013

View towards Buffalo Peaks from Browns Canyon WSA

50-View from top of Calumet Iron Mine, Salida, CO_July 2012

51-View from top of Calumet Iron Mine, Salida, CO_July 2012 (2)

The Crags

Beaver Dams on Trout Creek

Arkansas River in Browns Canyon

Aspens in Autumn, Elk Mountain Ranch, CO

Mount Princeton of the Collegiate Peaks, Colorado

Aspen Reflections

Elk Mountain Ranch

A Case of the Blues

castle rocks storm

Aspen Forest

Elk Mountain Ranch

On Bald Mtn we get some antenna separation

Most of the t-storm turned to sprinkles over the aried range east of BV

Mt Princton in the back range

We drove my Tacoma up a NARROW 4WD trail and parked ~1/2 mile from Bald Mtn's summitt

Wet + Dry

Gary Beaumont from Devon, England riding through South Park, Colorado. Gary started in Banff on June 8 and reached Antelope Wells on July 9 after riding over the Continental Divide 29times. He had to climb more than 200,000 feet (7x the height of Mt. Ev

Mt Columbia April 21, 2013