745: Evergreen Autumn Leaves

pine left

28: Thumper on a warm Saturday Afternoon

road to gold

840: Evergreen Lake Cabin

creek bend

Aspen Trees

Golden Aspen Trees

792: Walking to Grandma's house...

848: Thumper, Still in Control

72: T for ...

747: Thumper and Rascal

746: Thumper Standing Proud

8: Looking towards Mt. Evans Colorado

676: Young Face

636: Watch out for the Rocks!

834: Skate the Lake - Evergreen CO

785: Thumper in the Wild

841: Thumper 2013

789: Her new friend

846: Kendall and Thumper

Carpet of Color

Along the Creek

Evergreen, Colorado

Galbraith cold sunset

Clear Creek Canyon

folding up reality

White Water at Clear Creek

Windy Sisters

Golden, CO

a former glory

Aspen Grove in Fall Forest

Sometimes the views are nice.

Light On The Fallen

"Ah the distant city of Denver in a patch of sunshine, as seen from up here," I said.

The Grove

Hipstamatic iPhone photos

Hipstamatic iPhone photos