Donner Lake

Spring Thaw

A plane, a train and automobiles

B of A Smoking Area

Truckee Sunrise

Donner Lake View

Donner Lake from Donner Pass

Sea Gull on Donner Summit 1652

exiting snowshed on Donner Pass ( 2 Views )

Donner Lake with bridge 4214

Go Climb a Rock 2934

The Canundrum House 8244

Donner Pass - Railroad Tunnels 8 & 7

Open Air

Summiting 2946

Where's the Lake?

The Truckee Graffiti Tunnels

Donner Summit Bridge

View from the deck. Then we climbed up here!!

Grandeur Panorama

Donner Peak, California

Lake Van Norden

UP 8774, Truckee (CA) 6.6.2014

Sierra Ranch Country

Camping with the Donner Party

Donner Lake From The Top of the Pass

2017-01-06 12.50.07

Above the Fog, Below the Clouds

Good Morning Donner

High Sierra Meadow

2017-01-13 13.03.08

Torn Skies

Normally Dry

Devils Peak

Falling Apart

Road Up To The Cabin

High Country Meadow

Calla Lily on snowy Razorback Ridge in Royal Gorge area-02 12-13-14

Lily at Bill&Floras Pt in Royal Gorge area-00 5-15-17

Sierra High Country

Donner Lake