Sunrise near Monte Leone.A view to the Weisshorn. No. 7119.

Switzerland, Railway Station , 23-08-2009

Switzerland, Railway Station Brig, 23-08-2009

At Simplon Pass, Switzerland

view over the Swiss border to Italy

Switzerland, Railway Station Brig, 23-08-2009

Switzerland, Railway Station Brig, 07-09-2013

Switzerland, Railway Station Brig, 23-08-2009

Pretty nice view

Switzerland, Railway Station Brig, 23-08-2009

Switzerland, Railway Station Brig, 23-08-2009

Switzerland, Railway Station Brig, (Detail), 23-08-2009


Endless snow

Switzerland, Railway Station Brig, 23-08-2009

Switzerland, Railway Station Brig, 07-09-2013

Going down

Switzerland, Railway Station Brig, 23-08-2009

Road to nowhere

I was speechless

Switzerland, Railway Station Brig, 23-08-2009

A winter day

The Chaltwassersee (2756 m) And Monte Leone (3557m ) Switzerland / Italy . No, 6963.

Alpi bernesi

Passo del Sempione

Fletschhorn all'alba

Il re del Sempione

One Step Forward

In fondo al lago

Riflessioni prima del giorno

Prima che il sole....

Il Fletschhorn all'alba

Arriving to the Refuge of Monte Leone. Above The Chaltwassersee (2756 m) And infront of the Glacier of Monte Leone (3557m ) Switzerland / Italy . No, 69832.

Alla fine della notte

Vita nel laghetto

Lötschberger Südrampe (Brig-Hohtenn)



Passo Sempione


SBB Re460 066