Switzerland, Railway Station Ausserberg, 07-09-2013

Nice sunrise

Finsteraarhorn 4274m

Switzerland, Railway Station Ausserberg, 07-09-2013

Switzerland, Railway Station Ausserberg, 07-09-2013

In the Alpes Valaisannes

Pretty nice view

Matterhorn - Wallis - Switzerland

Classic Alpine


Hangbrug Jolischlucht - Niedergesteln / Schweiz

Switzerland, Railway Station Ausserberg, 07-09-2013

Switzerland, Railway Station Ausserberg, 07-09-2013

Endless snow

Home Sweet Home

Switzerland, Railway Station Ausserberg, 07-09-2013

Partly cloudy view from Allalin (3500m)

Meandering Villages

Switzerland, Railway Station St. Niklaus, 23-08-2009

Switzerland, Railway Station Ausserberg, 07-09-2013

Switzerland, Railway Station Visp, 23-08-2009

Allalinhorn - Wallis - Switzerland

One Step Forward

Alphubel and Mischabelgruppe

Stellihorn 3436m

Feegletscher - Wallis - Schweiz

Matterhorn - Mont Blanc - Wallis - Switzerland

Lötschberger Südrampe (Brig-Hohtenn)

Horn neben Horn

Switzerland : Zinal. On the way to the Glacier of Zinal.(4008)


Toundra Valaisanne


Lac de l'Illsee


Coup d'oeil à Tracuit

Besso (3667m) seen from Le Vichiesso above Zinal

Some great Valais summits