DSC01378 - Bye to Cape Roseway Lighthouse Station

DSC01188 - I made it - Cape Roseway Lighthouse Station - finally

DSC01168 - New Jerusalem Farm

DSC01292 - Views from the Top

DSC01295 - Coastline of McNutt's Island

Eel Bay, Nova Scotia

Eel Bay, Nova Scotia

Eel Bay, Nova Scotia

Eel Bay, Nova Scotia

IMG_2190 (3)

DSC01245 - Last view of Cape Roseway Lighthouse Station

Eel Bay, Nova Scotia

Eel Bay, Nova Scotia (G83)

DSC01274 - View from Lighthouse

Eel Bay, Nova Scotia

Baccaro, Nova Scotia

DSC01171 - Here comes the sun....

DSC01172 - Blow............

DSC01169 - New Jerusalem Farm

Eel Bay, Nova Scotia

Eel Bay, Nova Scotia

Clyde River, NS - Home

Vacation 2007 005

DSC01243 - Cape Roseway Lighthouse Station

Vacation 2007 001

almost late

Barrington, NS

Main Spillway, Barrington Woolen Mill Dam




Gunning Cove

Day Ninety Eight "Landscape"

Calm Evening At Barrington Woolen Mill Dam

Am Strand

Gunning Cove

Barrington River spillway, beside Old Woollen Mill