Trans Canada Highway

Katydid on grass

Canola in bloom

Trans-Canada Hwy, Bagot (500445)

Trans-Canada Hwy, Bagot (500442)

Trans-Canada Hwy, Bagot (500447)

wwi trenches

prairie smoke

Trans-Canada Hwy, Bagot (500444)

Trans Canada Highway

She woke up and went to go see daddy but fell asleep on the way there lol #niece #family #love #pink #baby #cute #funny #smart #auntie #sleeping #snuggles

Thanks for dinner baby brother mmm #novascotiabeer #steak #brother #mmm

Cheers baby brother. Last night here. #novascotiabeer #brother #love #family #lovethatkid #tattoos

I'm an auntie to a #mermaid lol she is so much fun #niece #family #love #pink #baby #cute #funny #smart #tub #toys #splash #swim

Head to give Gretchen attention too and remind her that I love her and I know that she was my niece first lol #cat #chat #kitty #meow #prrr #fur

I will just push myself #niece #family #love #pink #baby #cute #funny #smart

Haciendo test de señal en LTE para internet

1952 Dodge M37CDN 4x4 - Canadian Forces Base Shilo - Shilo Manitoba Canada

Canadian Forces Base Shilo - Shilo Manitoba Canada

Self-Propelled Gun-Howitzer 152-mm 2S3 Akatsiya (Acacia) - Canadian Forces Base Shilo Manitoba Canada - Canadian Forces Base Shilo Manitoba Canada


Just Up the Road