Cedar Island view

V16-044-Kimberly Brookshire-In the Storm

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The sea is angry today

It got windy.

10 Fishing Marinas Down East NC 6305

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Tundra Swan 20161108001252

Tricolored Heron 20161020001044

Redhead 20160829001104

Glossy & White Ibis 20160706001532 - Copy

Great Egret 20160706001439 - Copy

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron 20160703001624

Black-necked Stilt 20160628001341

Black-necked Stilt 20160628001343

Semipalmated Plover 20160628001445

Short-billed Dowwitcher 20160628001281

Black-necked Stilt 20160628001348

Bank Swallow 20160524001717 - Copy

Black Skimmer 20160524001036 - Copy

Black-necked Stilt 20160524001217 - Copy

Black-neked Stilt 20160524001224 - Copy