Alabama "vintage car graveyard" abandoned automobiles

Alabama "vintage car graveyard" abandoned automobiles

The 227 in August

Old Coke's Home

Calendar Correction

Water Under The Bridge

c2017 January 31, Guntersville Museum

c2017 January 31, Guntersville Museum

c2017 January 31, Guntersville Museum

Lake Guntersville

More From the 227.

Old Reliable, Too.

Old Reliable.

Rapids and Red

Dressed in Fall Colors.

Red Mill

Red Mills and Blue Skies

Scarham Creek

The Red Mill

2017 January 31, Guntersville Lake Birds Nikon D7200

2017 January 31, Guntersville Lake Birds Nikon D7200

Return Of The 227

Wide-Angle Waterfall.

The 227 in B&W.

Spring fall

2014 August 13 traveling through Guntersville, AL

100531 Guntersville, AL

2014 August 13 Guntersville Dam

100531 Guntersville, AL

100531 Guntersville, AL