My view of the world as I leave the house at 7am

Will miss the view

View from atop James Peak, Powder Mountain Utah

The view from atop #powdermountain #utah #ski #sun #shreddinthegnar #skiareaboundary

Wolf Creek b 171

Wolf Creek b 166

The view from my drive

Forest and Trees

Lawd have mercy.

Porcupine Reservoir

@backcountrymag #geartestweek @powdermountain #powmow

Porcupine Reservoir in the Fall

Looking toward Powder Mountain

Looking down in to Liberty

DSC_0068 - DSC_0075

Snow and mountains

Right-of-Way Crew (ROW), Miles Canyon

Wolf Creek Canyon


Lower-in Crew

Early Autumn Snow in the Wasatch

Goin' up!

Ruby October 029

Looking toward Powder Mountain

Pretty yellow Aspen grove 9

The moon above the hill

Pretty yellow Aspen grove 8