A White Mountain View Morning

Going to Sleep

The view from my drive

Venus Transit 2012

Sky and trees

Ogden Sign

Ogden Buddist Temple

Little thieves

Taken while exercising

Love is in the air

Alien booze

These cats. Oi

Mixed company

patriotic dog?

Beauty all around

Beauty all around

Sleeping cat

Happy Memorial Day

Crazy cat man

Above Weber High

Above Weber High

Snowbasin from Wheeler

Autumn on the Ogden River

Winter Aspens

Along the rail. . .

Taken at the Ogden-Weber Applied Technology College. My mom was working there temporarily. This is near the college but I was standing on campus. It's pretty and Darned cold!

Sunset Weber

It's fall 2016

Lorin-Farr Park

It's fall 2016

scenery with a bit of nature

Cold weather

Above Weber High

Beautiful weather

Cold weather

Cold weather

deer grazing

Above Weber High

North Ogden Divide

scenery with a bit of nature

scenery with a bit of nature