Kranji War Memorial

Atlas Moth (Male), Singapore

ahoy♪ an aperitif in the sunset...♫ great egret from singapore♫


Bird Watching Pod - Inside view

city view

是时侯...就放手 (When It's Time...Just Let Go)

Look Into My Eyes......

The Zon Hotel, Johor Bahru - Malaysia

One day on shore and ten years at sea. It's a steep price for what's been done.

I Still See You......

小天使 (Little Angel)

Beautiful Decay-Johor-31Oct

When Storm Cloud Strikes

Queen Of My Heart.......

Masjid Sultan Abu Bakar...

Hierodula sp.

I'm On Top Of The World........

03/52 - Too big a shoe to fill.

all my favourite things

Clouds @ Woodlands Waterfront SG

Rustic Singapore

Ghastly movement

The rain and the bizarre

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

Woodlands Waterfront jetty at blue hour

Causeway Sunset

Surreal coastline

More strange nets

Sunset in Singapore

sehening Ramadhan 1433h

Golden sky

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve


20180211-0I7A3014 - Explored!


Selat Johor Fisherman

Lighting Storm 1 - Touched Down

Woodlands Waterfront jetty with 10 sec long exposure

The Beauty of a Blade of Grass

Störche und Reiher

Sunrise at play ground. ...LA Garden. ..