Look Into My Eyes......

IkonVisuals2171 - Flights Of Fancy

Atlas Shrugged Melek Laughed

IkonVisuals2191-Death Defying

Beautiful HDB block view at dawn

When Storm Cloud Strikes

View of the wonderful dusk #2/2

Rise and Shine

Johor Bahru from Pacific Mall Tower

Queen Of My Heart.......

high wire

小天使 (Little Angel)

Stairway To Heaven

说到爱 (Let's Sing It Out Of Love)

reflection of the bridge

Sleeping Beauty

Hierodula sp.

One day on shore and ten years at sea. It's a steep price for what's been done.

THE ViEW! IN HERE, IT'S ALWAYS FRiDAYS. #Dinner #TGIFRiDAYS #FRiDAYS #Chill #SundayFunday #GoodPlace #GoodPeople #GoodTimes

Anniversary 2017 @ Hotel Jen Puteri Harbour 55

Anniversary 2017 @ Hotel Jen Puteri Harbour 53

Sunset at Paradise.

Lower Seletar (Sunrise) 2

Lighting Storm 1 - Touched Down


The rain and the bizarre

Silky Falls

waterfall bw

Sunset in Singapore

Fantastic sunset. One of the best.



Pang Sua Park Connector

Panjang Meander

Gravitys Pull

Dawn of the Dragons

A Tribal Entrance

Dramatic sunrise over Lower Seletar Reservoir #2