mesh web weaver (Emblyna [possibly subulata])

cobweb spider (Theridion)

Still Night

root-maggot fly (Hylemya urbica)

orbweaver (Araneus cingulatus)

root-maggot fly (Hylemya urbica)

Rufous Hummingbird (Selasphorus rufus)

gall midge (Subfamily: Cecidomyiinae)

encyrtid (Cerchysius)

2 hours in. Day 2. #festive500 I cross the Delaware, go through a covered bride & climb some gnarly steep closed road for this view. #outsideisfree

root-maggot fly (Hylemya urbica)

chalcid wasp (Family: Eulophidae)

tiphiid wasp (Tiphia)

Chipping Sparrow

Believe it or not, this is New Jersey!

syrphid fly (Sphaerophoria contigua)

leafhopper (Subfamily: Typhlocybinae)

orbweaver (Araneus [possibly niveus])

midge (Tribe: Chironomini)

aphid wasp (Tribe: Psenini)

Dimorphic Macalla (Epipaschia superatalis)

You The Night and the Music

David R. Johnson Natural Area (2)

Bucks County, PA

Baby Leaves

David R. Johnson Natural Area (3)

Hunterdon County February 1980

Tinicum Park (8)

Tohickon Creek flow

CG509 Deep Landscape

Delaware river


Hopewell Farmhouse

Built 1904...200th Birthday

Sheep in Shade

Winter Woods

Delaware River

My tree #iphonephotography #iphonegraphy #joechahwanphotography #cycling #nj #tree #lonely #petitprince

Cuttalossa Falls

DSC_0940 - Reflected Sky