Scattered Life


Red-banded Leafhopper (Graphocephala coccinea)

"Riverside Ballroom"

Sharp-nosed Leafhopper (Scaphytopius acutus)

Secluded Dining

syrphid fly (Platycheirus)

Believe it or not, this is New Jersey!

Still Night


"A Diminishing View"

2 hours in. Day 2. #festive500 I cross the Delaware, go through a covered bride & climb some gnarly steep closed road for this view. #outsideisfree

Just before dawn

New Hope-Lambertville Bridge

bridge in

Tuliptree Aphid (Illinoia liriodendri)

waiting for the big one - a bird's-eye view (not stained glass)

Fabric of India

The Bridge on Horseshoe Bend Road

American Ermine Moth (Yponomeuta multipunctella)

Red barn

David R. Johnson Natural Area (2)

Tohickon Creek

Burjans Farm - Flemington, NJ

The Dividing Line BW

You The Night and the Music


Built 1904...200th Birthday

Sheep in Shade

My tree #iphonephotography #iphonegraphy #joechahwanphotography #cycling #nj #tree #lonely #petitprince

Cuttalossa Falls

DSC_0940 - Reflected Sky

Early Morning, New Hope PA

Shel's Last Stand

Baby Leaves

David R. Johnson Natural Area (3)

Hunterdon County February 1980

Hello Bonjour , C'est la Vie !! #spring #cycling #cafe #cyclinglife #outdoors #awtdoors #jcp #joechahwan #joechahwanphotography #cool #beautiful

Tinicum Park (8)