Fields For Furrows

Dissociation Station

View of Lone Peak on a crisp spring morning

Wasatch panorama

Panoramic view of the Wasatch mountains [Explore 3 March 2016]

Mouth of American Fork Canyon

heavenly trick or treat...

Utah Giving Me a View to Mountains While on a Flight to Salt Lake City

All Trails East

Waking from the winter sleep.

Uprising (when trees ruled the Earth, part 2)

it seems like a dream has got you hypnotized

bad hair day

rocks, water, trees

in the moment

Hail, Atlantis

Utah County overlook

and for all I know, they lie there still

Draper Temple at Sunset

your stairway lies on the whispering wind

"Why a duck?"

Evening's last rays of sun on Lone Peak

Lone Peak

Salted Path

Utah Railway

Weight of The World

Toll To Challenge The Tower

Pieces Of My Shattered Mirror

Rivers & Roads

Three Deer

I Said to the Mountains Do Not Rise Above Me

Stormy Evening at Oquirrh Lake

little cottonwood canyon

I Said to the Mountains Do Not Rise Above Me (Black & White)

The Stun of The Run

Lower Bell Canyon Reservoir

Sunset Boardwalk at Oquirrh Lake

little cottonwood canyon