The Schwarzgrat (2790m) the Engital and Birg (2677m) at the sunset.View from The Schilthorn ( 2970m ). October 7, 2009. 18:31:45 no.6331.

A view from The Schilthorn . October 22 , 2012. No. 99723.

The village of Wengen

Rocky Resplendence

Fallboden - Kleine Scheidegg Panorama

Der Zauberberg

Hiding in the Mist

Wetterhorn Grindelwald

Swiss Alps on Fire - The Jungfrau Seen at Sunset [Explored]


Dark Skies

Männlichen, Switzerland

Fallboden - Wetterhorn en Eiger Nordwand

Good Bye Jungfrau

View from First(2168m) on Grindelwald

Bernese Alps

Grindelwald, bird's eye view

View on the Jungfrau - Interlaken - Switzerland

The Mighty Eiger and the Wetterhorn reflected on The Fallbodensee . No. 1411.

Hotel Edelweiss in Wengen . A fine view to Lauterbrunnen , the walls of the Jungfrau mountain, the summits of the Breithorn , the Tschingelhorn and the Gspaltenhorn. No. 1352

The see of clouds. A view from The Männlichen (2,343 m).No. 236.

Der einsame Bergwanderer ...... Explore jan 30 #89

- Switzerland .The Jungfrau mountain...What I have seen on the way to Schilthorn June 6, 2007- (2969)

oeschinensee . bernese oberland

Le fond de la vallée du Loetschental depuis Gugginalp (Valais, Switzerland)

Alpine Vista from Schilthorn

Sunrise at Lauterbrunnen Valley

Morning Mood

Hiking in Switzerland ; Grindelwald , First , above Bachsee . No. 8974.

Hello ! Jungfrau

On the edge

Fallboden - Eiger Nordwand

To be alone...


On the way to the Oeschinensee