The big three, Eiger, Mönch, Jungfrau in Switzerland

Bachalpsee, Switzerland

High Thoughts..

Grindelwald ,The Bachalpsee A view to the Wetterhorn & the Finsteraarhorn .No.9086.

Grindelwald ,The Bachalpsee A view to the Wetterhorn & the Finsteraarhorn .No.9088.

Grindelwald ,The Bachalpsee A view to the Wetterhorn & the Finsteraarhorn & the Mighty Eiger. No. 9077.

Hotel Edelweiss in Wengen . A fine view to Lauterbrunnen , the walls of the Jungfrau mountain, the summits of the Breithorn , the Tschingelhorn and the Gspaltenhorn. No. 1352

A view to Birg The Jungfrau The Eiger and The Mönch Mountains . A view from Piz Gloria (Schilthorn ) Canton Of Bern, Switzerland. October 7, 2009, Izakigur 2009:10:07 18:39:52 No. 6352.

Faulhorn view (BE)

The Mighty Eiger and the Wetterhorn reflected on The Fallbodensee . No. 1411.

swiss panoramic view

An Alpine Panorama of the Jungfrau mountain .A view from The Schilthorn . Canton of Bern, Switzerland.October 22 , 2012. No. 9991.

Birg , the Jungfrau , A view to"Eiger" (elevation 3970 m = 13025 ft), "Mönch" (4099 m = 13448 ft) and "Jungfrau" (4158 m = 13642 ft) "Mönch" is the german word for "monk", "Jungfrau" means young lady. No. 6251.

The Schwarzgrat (2790m) the Engital and Birg (2677m) at the sunset.View from The Schilthorn ( 2970m ). October 7, 2009. 18:31:45 no.6331.

The Aletsch Glacier

Grindelwald ,The Bachalpsee A view to the Wetterhorn & the Finsteraarhorn .No.9093.

I am a rock. The Lauberhorn, the Mannlichen , the Kleine Scheidegg. A view from the Eiger Trail. No. 7856.

Close to the edge.

Swiss cows having summer time delight in The Schynige Platte.Canton of Bern, Switzerland. izakigur 4570-76. 04.09.18, 16:32:44.

What a view!

Wengen, Switzerland

Hiking in Switzerland ; Grindelwald , First , above Bachsee . No. 8975.

Hiking in Switzerland ; Grindelwald , First , above Bachsee . No. 8974.

The Jungfrau ,the Schilthorn and the Eiger Trail. No. 8024.

Hiking Trail in the Swiss Alps

Lago di Oeschinen / Oeschinensee

Piz Gloria, Schilthorn

late summer in the mountains

Autumn trees

Recipe against fog

Deep valley of Lauterbrunnen as seen from 3000m

Swiss Alps. Clouds. Wengen region.

The final fall of the Trümmelbachfälle

Piz Gloria, Schilthorn

L'Eiger depuis Mürren

Guggisee, Lötschental (Switzerland)

Guggisee, Lötschental (Switzerland)

The way to Oberhornsee. Lauterbrunnental , Canton of Bern, Switzerland. Izakigur 28.06.18, 12:53:14 .No. 583.