View of a marsh

Point Pelee Lookout


Ivory Gull, Wheatley Harbour, ON, CA

Magnificent Frigatebird, Leamington, Ontario, Canada, July 1, 2017

Boardwalk bench...

Saturday Afternoon Is For Napping

Wild Turkey

Wild Turkey

Family outing


Hi Sky Viewing Machine

Wild Turkey

Green Frog

Point Pelee Marsh Boardwalk (right side)

Sunflower Friday

Point Pelee

Point Pelee National Park

Shh, Everyone's Sleeping.

Get With the Flow

Painted Turtle

Swimming Carp

M12C0058 - Peele Island ferry Jiimaan at sunrise after running aground near Kingsville

Cabot Head View

Dramatic End to the Day

The southern tip of mainland Canada.

Sunset at Sea Cliff


Sanderling (Calidris alba)

Lake Erie stormy sunset

Common Yellowthroat


Point Pelee wetland

Grive solitaire - Hermit Thrush

So calm....#vscocam

Leamington Ontario

After the Sunset
