The Unbearable Lightness of Being

Get dizzy y'all.

balancing act

A Walk by the Riverside

Rub the Sleep From Your Eyes

Portland Skyline 10 - HDR

We are not alone.

cityscape two

it's cloud illusions i recall

The Presidential Huffpost

Portland Oregon

Marquam's Nightlife

Spokane Portland and Seattle 700 Departing

Clearing Your Head

I-205 Blue Hour

Portland Aerial Tram

Struttin’ Her Colors

The Sign That You’ve Arrived

Camper Side View, SE Portland

Window Into A Blossom

Koin section

... late afternoon sun brightens the tall weeds [in urban wetlands] ...

Reflections On A River

My Fair City

You'll find very little between you and me

Sunset over the Marina

Into the fog

Snow-capped moon-rise


River Life

Snow-capped moon-rise

Steel Bridge

Willamette Falls

In Bloom

Competing Interests

Pink Willamette

The Columbia River begins its journey in the Canadian Rockies and finds its way down into Washington and Oregon where it flows past the northern slopes of Mt Hood. There are many tributaries flowing off those slopes where high rainfall feeds a lush forest

The Mighty River

Morning light, Marquam forest

Stuck Inside of Portland With the Willamette Blues Again

Hawthorne bridge