The Unbearable Lightness of Being

Window Into A Blossom

Rainy Night in Rose City

Clearing Your Head

Rub the Sleep From Your Eyes

Portland Skyline 10 - HDR

Double Decker

it's cloud illusions i recall

Stage Left thgiR egatS

BURNING BUSH-19024-Explore

Portland Oregon

it is spring again

November Sunrise

Spokane Portland and Seattle 700 Departing

Portland, OR Skyline - Hawthorne Bridge

A Walk by the Riverside

Never For Money

Meeting view

My lunch view -- Fir Acres Estate Gardens

Riverside Fenches

Fish fountain -- my lunch view at the Fir Acres Estate Gardens

Competing Interests

Sun, field, magnolia

... late afternoon sun brightens the tall weeds [in urban wetlands] ...

When I first saw an image of this place by Chip Phillips I said to myself I had to get there. When I finally found myself standing there after drawing on my years of map reading and navigation skills and getting through the narrow gorge with chest deep fr

HDR Portland sunset on the Willamette River

Sky ceiling

Reflections On A River

Beyond the emptiness

Tree around the block from me

Into the fog

Sauntering around wild Portland

You'll find very little between you and me

Who's bringing the frisbee?

Lunchtime stroll

Summer on the Eastbank Esplanade - Explored #37


Elk Rock island park,OR,USA

The leafiest train tracks on earth

The Mighty River

Hawthorne bridge