(0596) Verstrahlt - Contaminated by light

A Black Forest view

Early morning [Explore 29 oct. #44]

(0377) Out of the dark, into the light


"Waterfalls" at Sasbachwalden (Black Forest)

(0603) Blume auf weissem Hintergrund - Flower on white background

Balcony view

Allerheiligen Wasserfälle/Waterfalls

(0778) Nebelschwaden über dem Weinberg - Wafts of mist above the vineyard

Snow and a view

(0688) Unvollständig - Incomplete

yellow weather

What annoying to have to live here :-)

(0551) Blaue Kugeldistel - Echinops

(0601) Achtung, Regenwetter

(0615) Herbstliches Farn im Sonnenlicht - Autumnal fern in the sunlight

room with a view

(0002) Natur und Technik - Nature and Technics

(0748) Baden-Baden am Morgen

Allerheiligen Waterfall in the Black Forest

(0385) Traumwelt - World in a dream

(0907) Herbst in unseren Weinbergen - Autumn in our vineyards

Oberkirch, Black Forest

(1093) Ein Blick auf den Herbst - A view to autumn

Gertelbach waterfalls

Misty morning

Row your boat...

Flow Along

Follow the trail

After the Storm

(0699) Anderland - Otherland

(0890) Abendsonne - Evening sun

Mistic river

After the rain steaming mountains

Lichtentaler Allee in Autumn #3

(0947) Wasserfall in Elbenland - Waterfall in Elves land