view from the balcony

Top view

How and Why and How much ... should a human endure ?

Ulm Minster

best of new-ulm is ...

1) Wood, no salt

The most beautiful View is the one I share with You

Double view without a future

Ulmer Weihnachtsmarkt

Christmas Market in Ulm 2009

Donau und Ulmer Münster

The Library (HDR Vertorama)

Ulm interior

foggy forest part3 *explored*

Kapelle bei Sonnenuntergang

Leader of the Pack

Ulmer Münster - Hauptschiff - Langhaus - Basilika. My Photopedia.

Resurrected Contax RTS

3) Even more wood

Yes, we can !!! or "The ♪♫♪♫♪ Symphony"

Deep blue

Regenfront - Rain is coming

Frühling in Oberschwaben Panorama

the last rays ...

Less than perfect

Oase - Oasis

Illuminierte Weide

Panorama - Panoramic view

autumn by the danube 2



Sunset at Dellmensingen (Germany)

foggy forest part 2

Sunset @ Siningen

Schwalbenschwanz - Swallowtail

Scheckenfalter - Heath Fritillary

2010 0926 01 -- 0246

In the Field

Regenwolken - Rain clouds

An der Donau - At the river Danube

Ulm / Donau